Create a Story

To create a Story, you can either start from scratch with an empty story, or utilize one of six Story templates provided by Verse.

Create an Empty Story

Login to your Verse account. On the left Side of the screen, you’ll see the Story editor. Press the “Create New Story” button.


You’ll be asked for the Story Title and the Author. Once you have entered that information, press the “Create Story” button at the bottom of the window to finish.


Create a Story from a Verse Template

There are six Verse templates. Each has been constructed to showcase specific storytelling elements and can be adapted to meet your needs.

You can view the available templates by clicking the "Templates" filter in the sidebar.


Preview a Template

To preview a template, hover your mouse over a template poster frame and choose “Preview.” A new web page will open.


Use a Template

To use a template as the basis for your own story, hover your mouse over your chosen template's poster frame and press the “Select” button.


You’ll be asked for the Story Title and the Author. Once you have entered that information, press the “Create Story” button at the bottom of the window to finish.


Learn More about Templates

To learn more about the specifics of each template, please see "Verse Templates in Detail".

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