Edit a Story's Embed Settings

Embed Settings

To view the Story's embed settings, click on "Publish Settings" in the Story Dashboard. The "Embed Settings" panel will appear on the right. Each setting has its own switch button, which is grey when turned off and blue when activated. Most will update the player in real time.


  1. Enable Autoplay - Bypasses the Story Cover and plays the first chapter automatically. This function only works with the Firefox and Internet Explorer browsers.
  2. Remove sharing button - Removes the sharing option from the player. Viewers will no longer be able to share or embed the project.
  3. Remove duration info - Removes the Story's length usually displayed at the top of the screen whenever the top navigation is visible.
  4. Remove chapter menu - Hides the Chapter overlay menu.
  5. Remove slideshow menus - Removes the Slideshow Chapters' overlay.
  6. Remove top navigation - Hides all the Elements and Controls located at the top of the Player.
  7. Remove play button - Removes the "View Story" button from the Story Cover. Clicking anywhere on the Story Cover.
  8. Remove cover title - Removes the Story's Title from the Story Cover.
  9. Remove hotspot markers - Removes Hotspot icons from the Timeline.
  10. Remove chapter buttons - Removes the numbers to the right of the Player's Timeline enabling direct navigation to Chapters.
  11. Remove video controls - Removes the Elements and Video Controls located at the bottom of the Player.
  12. Remove question menu - For advanced users who want to replace the default font in Explainer Chapters. This function is for those working with the Verse API.
  13. Remove slideshow arrows - Removes the backward and forward arrow icons overlaid on Slideshow Chapters.

Get Embed Code

Once a Story has been published, a "<> Get Embed Code" button will appear at the top of the "Embed Settings" panel.


A modal window titled "Get Embed Code" will appear. It provides the necessary code for embedding your story. Click the "Copy Embed Code" button to copy the embed code to your clipboard.


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