Getting Started with Verse

Connect your videos seamlessly to other videos, animations, websites and apps and unlock new, more engaging storytelling opportunities.

Below is a quick overview of the concepts and workflow necessary to construct a project with Verse.


A Verse project consists of one or more chapters — which contain your media — that collectively create a Story.

Verse allows you to either create a story from scratch or choose from one of six story templates that contain prebuilt chapters and complimentary media files. Templates can be customized by replacing the placeholder media files with your own and by adding, removing or reorganizing chapters.

Chapters in Detail

Once you’ve created a story, you’ll need to add one or more Chapters. There are four chapter types:

  1. Video
  2. Slideshow
  3. Pathfinder
  4. Explainer.

A) Video Chapters

Video Chapters consist of a single linear video with optional interactive hotspots that can be added, positioned and timed at any point during playback. Hotspots are clickable links that allow viewers to jump from the current video to other chapter content and external URLs.

B) Slideshow Chapters

Slideshow Chapters organize images and videos into a sequenced presentation.

C) Pathfinder Chapters

Pathfinder Chapters use looping videos and one or more hotspots to create decision points within your story. You can use Pathfinder Chapters to create branching narratives or video menus. Add optional introduction videos to your Pathfinder Chapter to provide narrative context or to animate interactive elements into view prior to the video loop. Unlike Video Chapters, Pathfinder Chapters won't end without a viewer interaction and hotspots cannot be timed. Hotspots will persist indefinitely as long as the looping video is in view.

D) Explainer Chapters

Finally, Explainer Chapters allow users to select one of multiple videos from a text-based menu. The list of options appears over a looping video.

E) Adding Media to Chapters

Chapters are organized on the left side of the screen in the Chapter editor. Select a chapter to see the customization options on the bottom and left side of the screen.

For chapters you’ve created yourself, you’ll need select the appropriate option and upload your video or pictures.

For template chapters, you’ll see an exclamation icon adjacent to any chapter in the Chapter Editor that contains imagery that needs to be replaced.

Select the “Add your own…” link to do so.

Interactive Hotspots

Hotspots appear intermittently as your video plays, allowing viewers to perform an action. There are two "types" of hotspots: Video Hotspots and Pathfinder Hotspots.

Media Library

Media files across all of your Verse projects are stored in the Media Library where they can be searched, renamed and deleted.

For best results, use videos that have a 16:9 aspect ratio, such as standard High Definition which is 1,920 pixels wide by 1,080 pixels high. Verse accepts almost all video formats.

For images, Verse accepts JPG, PNG, and GIF formats.

Customize the Verse Player

Once your story is complete you can customize the Verse player. The Verse Player is the technology that allows your story to play. It includes everything from the color of the play button to the main cover image, your logo, and many of the presentational elements of your story.

You can learn more about the player’s many options here.

Publish Your Story

Finally, it’s time to publish your story. The publish settings panel is located below the Chapters panel on the left side of the screen.

These settings allow you to password protect your story; determine where your story can be shared and embedded; customize your story's social media information; choose your player style; and more.

For more information, please see the publishing documentation.


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